The VMware Paravirtual SCSI (PVSCSI) adapter, an eye opener


Recently, I attended the 2011 Dutch VMware User Group meeting. I can recommend anyone to go to this meeting. To get the most out of it, some understanding of the Dutch language is highly recommended. J

This year Eric Sloof and Mattias Sundling presented their famous “Mythbusters goes Virtual” session. You can see a sneak preview here. In the session some old habits are presented, the question is, can you do better with vSphere 5?

For me, the most surprising fact of this session is the recommendation to configure a VM with the VMware Paravirtual SCSI (PVSCSI) adapter instead of the LSI Logic Controller. At the end of the session there was an audience question how to reconfigure a VM with the PVSCSI adapter. So let’s find out for myself.

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